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Page topic: "FIBA TABLE OFFICIALs MANUAL". Created by: Chris Vazquez. Language: english. It contains videos, pre-game checklist, technical manuals,. FIBA basketball rules and official interpretations. (OBRI), full & half court with referees, players If a team decides to file the protest, they must follow the procedure de- scribed in the FIBA Official Basketball Rules. Teams as well as referees, Technical Official Basketball Rules 2020 - Basketball Equipment - v1.0 - Yellow version with Track Changes. Valid as of October 1st, 2020. Official Basketball Rules View 44587720170915.pdf from MGT MISC at HELP University. FIBA TABLE OFFICIALs MANUAL FOREWORD FIBA has a commitment to facilitate and supervise the FIBA TABLE OFFICIALS MANUAL version 3.1 Throughout the Table Officials Manual, all references made to a player, coach, official, etc., in the male gender Below please find (Click the link) the: FIBA TABLE OFFICIALS MANUAL v2.0 Feb2018_Low Bernard Vassallo Director Officiating.
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